Wednesday, October 3, 2007


There is no federal law banning human cloning altogether.
according toNational Conference of State Legislature.
Only federal funding of research involving cloning for the purpose of reproduction or research is prohibited.
FDA now claims authority over regulations on human cloning<= they do not approve for safety reasons.
But Congress has not passed a law to confirm FDA's authority.

Four primary sources for embryonic stem cells:
-existing stem cell lines
-aborted or miscarried embryos
-unused in vitro fertilized embryos
-cloned embryos
There are different laws for attaining from each of sources.

National Reasearch Councileand Institute of Medicine of the National Academies have created this Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research in April 2005. It is merely a set of ethical standards instead of a set of laws.
There is also an Amendments to the document in 2007.

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